
Jonny Schmidt


Edinburgh, Scotland

Living in Edinburgh: Past and Present

Jonny Schmidt July 3, 2016

By Jonny S., Museum Studies Internship Program, Scotland Last Saturday, friends and I went out for a picnic in a park near our apartments, which was actually really nice. We just sat around and relaxed. That is, until it rained of course. Later that… More

Modern Views of Scottish History

Jonny Schmidt June 26, 2016

By Jonny S., Museum Studies Internship Program, Scotland After coming back on Friday, me and five others in my group decided to head to Glasgow for the weekend. That night we left on the train at 8 and got to Glasgow about an hour later. The next day… More

Experiencing Edinburgh

Jonny Schmidt June 19, 2016

By Jonny S., Museum Studies Internship Program, Scotland So after my initial move in, I said goodbye to my parents by going to Edinburgh Castle with them on Sunday. I couldn’t really see much that day because of the rain, but the castle was amazing.… More

From Paris to Edinburgh

Jonny Schmidt June 16, 2016

By Jonny S., Museum Studies Internship Program, Scotland So my story begins a little differently then most... Usually, most study abroad students travel directly to their new 'home' and begin to get settled in; however, I decided to go the more interesting… More

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