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Nerd Alert!

Arcadia has this wonderful option of going on excursions with them throughout the semester.  They take you on tours and show… More

Erin Scanlan University College Dublin, Ireland


Erin Scanlan


University College Dublin, Ireland

Nerd Alert!

Erin Scanlan April 20, 2017

Arcadia has this wonderful option of going on excursions with them throughout the semester.  They take you on tours and show you many different beautiful parts of Ireland.  I have experienced Northern Ireland, Scotland, and a Game of Thrones tour with… More

Arcadia Ireland Takes Belfast

Erin Scanlan March 15, 2017

As I was beginning to plan for my journey to Ireland, Arcadia announced that they would be holding weekend excursions to Northern Ireland and Scotland.  Eager to travel to as many places as possible, I signed up as soon as I could.  The first excursion… More

A Home Away From Home

Erin Scanlan February 14, 2017

One of the many great things about the Arcadia program in Ireland is that you get to stay with an Irish family for a weekend, which is called a homestay.  It was one of the things I was most looking forward to during my time in Ireland, and I was not… More

A Whole Lot of Firsts

Erin Scanlan January 25, 2017

Leaving for college can be a challenging task in itself, but living more than 3,000 miles away is something that many people do not even want to think about. However, I am one of the crazy few that are willing to venture that far for six months. It feels… More