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Emilia Smith
Greetings! My name is Emilia Smith, I’m 20 years old, already entering my junior year in college. The past two years of my life have been delightfully consumed attending higher education at Providence College, in Providence, Rhode Island. I currently am a Marketing major, with a core focus (synonymous to a minor) in Psychology, specifically, Child and Adolescent Development. I flourish most when I am outdoors, with people who are genuinely happy, and around animals. I enjoy the little things like photography, spending time with family, and learning- whether it’s a how to lavishly decorate a cupcake, or how the world works. Like a flower, I’m happiest when the sun is out, and like a fish, I’m madly in love with the ocean. I’m a lush for traveling and new experiences, and am ever grateful for every opportunity I have, along with to those who make it happen! I'll be spending my summer abroad with the Environmental Studies: Ethics, Culture and Sustainability program in Australia & New Zealand.