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Get With the Lingo

By Emilia S., Environmental Studies, Australia & New Zealand When you enter a new country, it's very cool to have an "in"… More

Emilia Smith


Emilia Smith

Get With the Lingo

Emilia Smith July 13, 2015

By Emilia S., Environmental Studies, Australia & New Zealand When you enter a new country, it's very cool to have an "in". Whether that is with knowing people, the town, the plants and animals, or who to call when there's an issue. All of which are important… More

Prepping Your Mentality

Emilia Smith July 1, 2015

By Emilia S., Environmental Studies, Australia & New Zealand Have low expectations. When you barely expect anything of your trip, you may just find that you'll be pleasantly surprised. Of course, easier said than done, with the availability of information… More