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Exploring Spain: Madrid and Toledo

I have been looking forward to visiting Madrid ever since I found out I was going to study abroad in Spain. Arcadia organized… More

Daron Mulligan Arcadia in Granada, Spain


Daron Mulligan


Arcadia in Granada, Spain

Exploring Spain: Madrid and Toledo

Daron Mulligan May 6, 2016

I have been looking forward to visiting Madrid ever since I found out I was going to study abroad in Spain. Arcadia organized a weekend field trip to Madrid and Toledo in early April. We boarded the bus early in the morning and headed towards Madrid.… More

Basque Country, Spain

Daron Mulligan April 11, 2016

My friends and I decided to explore two new cities this past weekend in Northern Spain. We have learned about Basque Country in our classes this semester and have heard about the differences between Northern and Southern Spain. We took a 12 hour bus ride… More

Hello From a Volcanic Island!

Daron Mulligan March 8, 2016

This past weekend, my friends Katherine, Blaine, and I traveled to Lanzarote, an island off the coast of Africa. We originally heard about the island from a professor and after googling pictures of it, we had our hearts set on going. We used BlaBla Car… More

Road Tripping Southern Spain

Daron Mulligan March 1, 2016

I take two classes in Arcadia in Granada's Environmental Studies program. This weekend one of my classes, Ecosystem of Andalucia, had a 3-day field trip around Southern Spain. Our first stop was at Laguna Fuente de Piedra, where we saw many flamingos… More

Adjusting to the Siesta Lifestyle

Daron Mulligan February 11, 2016

Class times are scheduled differently here because Spaniards take a few hours (around 2-4 pm) to go home, eat lunch, and recharge for the rest of the day. I'm definitely enjoying the new structure, although sometimes it's frustrating to make the half… More

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