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Less Than One Week

In the wise words of a man called Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while… More

Brianna Santo University of Westminster, England


Brianna Santo


University of Westminster, England

Less Than One Week

Brianna Santo December 14, 2015

In the wise words of a man called Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This sentiment could not be truer, and I have never felt time move as quickly as it has these past three… More

Four Truths about Traveling

Brianna Santo November 8, 2015

It has been way too long since I last posted on this blog, and I apologize to any of my friends or family who follow it; I have just been having too much fun! Time definitely does fly when you are having fun, and I am in complete denial that I have only… More

Learning the Lessons of London

Brianna Santo September 26, 2015

I cannot believe that it has been over a week since I first stepped foot in this amazing city; London is everything that I imagined and so much more. This past week flew by at lightening speed; yet somehow it feels as though I have been here longer than… More

3 Weeks Until Departure: 3 Worries on My Mind

Brianna Santo August 25, 2015

As I sit in my room at home writing this post, there are so many thoughts racing through my brain, and so many things I could discuss. I am a “worry wart” by nature, however my guess is that I am not alone on this one; studying abroad is a big change… More