
Brenda Khor


Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain

Bonjour France!

Brenda Khor February 28, 2015

This week was a relaxing week for me. I got my midterms back and was satisfied with my grades. To celebrate, on Tuesday, I went to a taco place called, "Tacos Tacos" with my friends. A fun fact is that I literally live right across the street from this… More

A Day in the Gardens!

Brenda Khor February 21, 2015

Midterms were this week and it was brutal. There were so many hours put into midterms. Studying abroad is not just about exploring the culture and learning information about the place, it involves a lot of intense studying for school as well. I tried… More

More Sight Seeing!

Brenda Khor February 15, 2015

Each week gets more and more exciting. This week, the Arcadia program took us to a hospital called Hospital de Sant Pau. We learned all about the history of it and how it was originally planned to be roughly 40 buildings but they ran out of money and… More

Fun, Fun and More Fun!

Brenda Khor February 5, 2015

Hello readers. This week, I did not do much for my classes that is interesting to write about and for you to read. It might bore you. We are almost at the halfway point. In two weeks, I will have midterms!!! It’s crazy how fast the time is going by. My… More

Academic Field Studies are Awesome!

Brenda Khor February 1, 2015

Hello readers! This week passed by so quickly. I cannot believe it is February! For most of my classes, we did more hands-on learning than anything. For example, for my Photography class, we walked around the Barcelona area taking pictures of color and… More

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