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The Perfect Hike

A few weeks ago I went on a hike after class with two good friends. We decided to walk behind the Alhambra and explore the… More

Ben Garnitz Arcadia in Granada, Spain


Ben Garnitz


Arcadia in Granada, Spain

The Perfect Hike

Ben Garnitz November 12, 2017

A few weeks ago I went on a hike after class with two good friends. We decided to walk behind the Alhambra and explore the woods and fields. We left around 3:00 in the afternoon and immediately got lost trying to find the Alhambra. After an hour of wandering… More


Ben Garnitz November 4, 2017

This past Friday, myself and two friends decided to spend the day in Cordoba. We got up early, caught the metro around 8:45 and hopped on our bus at 9:30. The bus ride wasn’t too long (about 2 hours) and it had wifi so all was well. We got to Cordoba… More


Ben Garnitz October 26, 2017

A few weeks ago I, and five of my classmates, ventured to Morocco. I wanted to go for several reasons. I’ve never been to Africa before and I wanted to crush the stereotypes in my head that Africa is either desert or Jungle like it’s shown in The Lion… More

Weekend with Dad

Ben Garnitz October 18, 2017

Two weeks in I finally began to get my bearings in Granada. I knew how to get to class; I became familiar with some waiters at a few cafes and bars; and where to get churros late at night. My dad had a meeting in Madrid so a few days before he came to… More