
Audrey Eggleston


London Now - England

Act My Age

Audrey Eggleston November 3, 2014

Your twenties are your selfish years. The time to do everything that you want to do and not care about the effect it might have later down the road. Last night Suruchi and I went to an American styled diner. We ate burgers (vegetarian), sweet potato fries… More

Thinking Out Loud.

Audrey Eggleston October 23, 2014

In the land of “God Save the Queen”, it just rains, rains, and rains. Buckets of rain are being chucked down from the sky. When there is grey skies and cold weather, you bundle up, but then you get the joy of sweating through all your layers once you… More

Let the Rain Come Down

Audrey Eggleston October 13, 2014

Rain can't stop us now! It has hit that time of the year when the blue skies hide behind grey ones, filled with buckets of rain. In the last four days it has rained at least three or four times. On Sunday, Suruchi, Erin and I traveled to Kensington. This… More

Eyes Open

Audrey Eggleston October 4, 2014

This past weekend brought back high school memories. Three years ago my high school welcomed a beautiful foreign exchange student from Hannover, Germany. On Thursday night around 9:31 I was reunited with the brunette from continental Europe. In high school… More

Raging Fire

Audrey Eggleston September 23, 2014

Come on Come on won’t you turn my soul into a raging fire. – Phillip Phillips Can Belmont be relocated? If only my little Nashville campus could be relocated to London, that would make the world a perfect place. Last night I had my first taste of friend-sickness… More

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