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The Busy Part of Studying Abroad

These past few weeks have been very busy and we are heading right into the end of the semester so quickly. It has all gone… More

Arin Fambro University of New South Wales, Australia


Arin Fambro


University of New South Wales, Australia

The Busy Part of Studying Abroad

Arin Fambro June 1, 2017

These past few weeks have been very busy and we are heading right into the end of the semester so quickly. It has all gone so fast and I am not ready to return back to the United States. I am currently sitting on a bus driving through the beautiful countryside… More

Wonders of the Weeks

Arin Fambro March 27, 2017

These past two weeks have been full of consistent businesses at university. The classes are beginning to get more intense, not completely enjoyable but it has to be done! I have begun working on a few of my semester final essays that require outlines… More

First Weeks Back

Arin Fambro March 13, 2017

The past two weeks have been rather busy with the new semester of starting up classes and keeping up with internships and finding a job! But my classes are going well - Australian Literature, Global History, Forensic Psychology, and Earth Science. It… More

Home from India and Awaiting the Semester

Arin Fambro February 24, 2017

I got back to Sydney about two weeks ago from a women empowerment volunteer trip in India. The trip was not perfect and not everything I expected, but it was a chance to see a different part of the world and come to an understanding of the gender inequality… More