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The Luck of the Irish

Two months in, and I finally left my beloved Scotland for the first time since I arrived to go visit friends in Ireland.… More

Amanda Berthold University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Amanda Berthold


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

The Luck of the Irish

Amanda Berthold November 17, 2014

Two months in, and I finally left my beloved Scotland for the first time since I arrived to go visit friends in Ireland. It is also the first time I have done extensive planning and traveling by myself. I would say that it went smoothly, but if you really… More

Fresh Eyes

Amanda Berthold October 28, 2014

I’ve recently had three visits from family and friends to my fair city of Edinburgh. While both times I expected myself to be the tour guide of all tour guides, both times I came up empty with what to do. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’ve… More

An American Abroad

Amanda Berthold October 1, 2014

Almost every week, a bunch of my friends and I gather to watch American Football and eat our own weight in chips and chocolate. Most of us are from America but occasionally a British student or two will come to watch the crazy Americans scream at the… More


Amanda Berthold September 17, 2014

At 6 AM we climbed to the top of Arthur’s Seat, the “hill” on the outskirts of Edinburgh that looks down over my own residence hall and most of the city. Leaving at an ungodly hour for college students, we attempted to beat the sun before it rose for… More

11 Ways to Beat Pre-Departure Jitters

Amanda Berthold August 28, 2014

Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart - Paulo Coehlo, The Alchemist As I quickly approach my departure date for Edinburgh, I find myself becoming more and more susceptible to restlessness and anxiety. I can… More