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Alysa Tarrant
King's College London, England
Hello! My name is Alysa Tarrant and I am currently a sophomore at The College of Wooster, however for the spring semester of 2018 I will be studying at King’s College London. I am a communication studies major, French minor, and elementary education minor. I’ve been abroad before to China and to France, but never to England and I am thrilled to have the opportunity. I plan on using this semester to work on my photography, a passion of mine, by creating a website about my travels – the Voyaging Herbivore ( I am vegan, hence the herbivore, and plan on doing my best to maintain this status during my stay in London and my other travels around Europe. Stay tuned to hear about my adventures, accompanied by photographs, as well as my struggles navigating London. I hope you find joy in getting lost in this blog as I plan on finding getting lost in London.