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Feeling Like Home

When I first arrived in Edinburgh, everything felt foreign to me. The people seemed different, I didn't know how to navigate… More

Allison Dammann University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Allison Dammann


University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Feeling Like Home

Allison Dammann October 26, 2017

When I first arrived in Edinburgh, everything felt foreign to me. The people seemed different, I didn't know how to navigate the city, and I didn't have a place to call my own. Since arriving in Edinburgh, I have been incredibly lucky and have been able… More

Settling In: Life in Edinburgh

Allison Dammann September 19, 2017

Hello from Scotland! I've now been in Edinburgh for almost two weeks and the city is finally starting to feel like home. I'm starting to figure out how to get from place to place, which coins mean how many pence, and where to buy the cheapest groceries… More

Thoughts On Leaving and New Beginnings

Allison Dammann September 4, 2017

Today is (finally) my last full day in the United States! Tomorrow, I will be heading to Scotland for a semester to study at the University of Edinburgh and I could not be more excited. Although I love my hometown and my school, I'm really excited for… More