
Abby Russo


London School of Economics, England

Weeks 7&8 (Nice, Monaco, Budapest & Dublin)

Abby Russo November 27, 2018

Nice and Monaco (11/6-11/8) We planned a last-minute trip to Nice and Monaco for reading week. We got a really good deal ($30!) flight for Tuesday-Thursday. We always use the app Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. We stayed in Nice, and then took… More

Let the Travels Begin!

Abby Russo November 5, 2018

Arcadia Weekend Trip to Rome (10/19-10/21) Day 1: We got to Rome pretty late, so all we had time to do was get dinner with our hostel roommates. We went to a true Italian restaurant right down the street from our hostel called Taverna Pretoriana. We… More

Weeks 3&4 More Exploring and Good Eats

Abby Russo October 17, 2018

First week of Class: Settling into Uni (10/1) My first two weeks of lecture and class went really well. So far, the workload is definitely manageable and as long as you stay on top of the readings there is still plenty of time to explore. This term I… More

Settling in: Weeks 1&2

Abby Russo October 1, 2018

First Pub Trip (9/19) Our first night in London we decided to embrace ourselves in the culture by taking our first trip to the pub. We went to Belgo which is right by LSE and then went for a walk to see the LSE campus afterward. Initially, I didn’t experience… More