One Week In...

Sarah Mason January 11, 2016

I can’t believe it’s already been a week since my journey has begun! Exactly a week ago, I was sitting on a plane, leaving the US for the first time and en route to Europe. After a week of unpredictable sleep schedules and numerous orientation talks… More

On the Verge of Departure

Ransom Patterson January 11, 2016

I’d be lying if I said I’ve started packing. I’ve started...thinking about it. That counts, right? I’m not quite in “frantic packing mode” just yet, but give it another week and I’m sure I will be. The study abroad folks at The College of Wooster (my… More

Reflecting on my journey ahead

Rachel Proctor January 8, 2016

As I sat down to write this first blog post, I began to reflect about the exciting adventures I will have during my study abroad experience in Scotland. I’ve been dreaming about the opportunity to study abroad since I was in high school, though trying… More

Do Something That Scares You

Lizzie Hjelle January 7, 2016

The beginning of a new year always seems to be accompanied by a slew of New Year’s Resolutions featured in blog posts and shared on various social media, with this year being no exception. However, among my young adult friends I noticed a common trend… More

Brisbane Urban Night Life

Maurice Scott January 6, 2016

During my summer the first place I stayed for the month of December and the first week of January was in Brisbane. I explored and met numerous people in my travels around the city. One thing I wanted to do was explore the night life in Brisbane. Their… More

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