Kind of Stressed, Mostly Blessed

Brenna McDonald September 28, 2015

Has it really been almost a month since I landed in Ireland?! As cliche as it sounds, time has simply flown by since I’ve been in this lovely little country. My first month abroad brought me so many changes and new experiences, which were undoubtedly… More

Skiing New Zealand

Julian Callin September 28, 2015

During week 2 of mid-semester break (New Zealand equivalent of spring break—and yes, it’s TWO weeks), fellow Arcadian, Taimur Shah, and I went skiing with the Auckland University Snow Sports club. The club owns a lodge on one side of Mt. Ruapehu and takes… More

Castles, Cliffs, and Concerts

Jordan Gette September 27, 2015

The great thing about studying abroad is that I never get a chance to catch my breath. Every time I turn a corner, I am amazed all over again. It has been a crazy, beautiful, SUNNY, and perfect whirlwind adventure lately and it has made me fall even more… More

A-Not-So-Ordinary Day

Elizabeth Houde September 27, 2015

So some of you may know that London is beautiful. It definitely, totally is. I want you to know that. It’s a great place. Here is a recap of my day to give you an idea of what London is like sometimes on Sundays since most of my weekdays (and even Sundays)… More

Learning the Lessons of London

Brianna Santo September 26, 2015

I cannot believe that it has been over a week since I first stepped foot in this amazing city; London is everything that I imagined and so much more. This past week flew by at lightening speed; yet somehow it feels as though I have been here longer than… More

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