Wonderful Experiences of Edinburgh Internship Students

Catherine Fenton Student Services Officer


May 4, 2016

Our Edinburgh Internship students have been extremely busy this semester, from studying at Napier University to immersing themselves within their unique work placements. 

Jordan McIntyre was gaining invaluable work experience at Breadshare, a bakery based in Portobello that promotes a more sustainable and health-enhancing food system. Jordan tells us more about her experience at Breadshare:-

I’ve been working on various multimedia projects for Breadshare, including designing a magazine advertisement, creating a leaflet for their sandwich delivery service, and I’m in the process of helping my boss create a video pitch to gain funding for the bakery. It’s been great to get so much hands-on experience and to build my portfolio. Plus, the perks of working in a bakery are that you get to sample all the goods!

Read more about Jordan's experience.  

Vanessa Magnone was an intern at Art and Healthcare, a charity that provides contemporary artworks for hospitals and healthcare centres. Vanessa was involved in the new project at the Rohallion Intensive Care Unit in Perth working with artists to change the environment of the hospital. Vanessa provides some wonderful insights to her experience:-

It was very pleasing to see the social and therapeutic benefits artistic expression had on patients and artists... My favourite part of the focus group, apart from engaging so close with the patients, was analysing the different colours and shades chosen for the theme of “dreams”. This category was very peculiar and quite psychological, almost asking which colours one associated with their mind. It was very fulfilling to see distinctive differences, and also patterns in shades and colours patients in the ward associated with their dreams.

Read more about Vanessa's experience

* Photo credit: Patient’s drawing from the 2nd focus group at Rohallion Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, Perth