Student Spotlight: Kalee Shomo at the Glasgow School of Art


January 5, 2018

I am delighted to present some of the fantastic work from last semester at the Glasgow School of Art! Kalee Shomo, one of our very own Arcadia University students, studied Interior Design in Fall 2017. The GSA is one Europe's most prestigious universities for the visual creative disciplines and we always have fantastically talented students study there so I'm thrilled be able to share Kalee's work!

"The first piece is named Interstitial House. It was a project based around the concept of connecting design with your surroundings. The building is located along the River Clyde, and the challenge was to overcome the narrow but tall space into a cosier home."


"The second piece was my first project called Small Specialist Shop. My store is a luxury butcher shop located in the heart of Finnieston selling meats, spices, and offering professional cooking classes."



"Overall, what I've enjoyed most about this school is the very specific attention to the creativity behind design. Often times as a designer, practicality tends to win out over creativity, and this has opened a lot of doors for me having to do with my process and how I go about approaching new challenges."

Thank you to Kalee for sharing her fantastic work. You can learn more about the Glasgow School of Art here!


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