Stirling Happenings: March 2015

Emily Goetsch Student Services Officer


February 18, 2015

Art and Culture

The Great Tapestry of Scotland: Through 8 March, Stirling Castle
Potentially the longest tapestry in the world (beating the Kieskamma tapestry in the South African parliament by a cool 23 metres), the artwork has been worked on by people from all across the country since 2012. It tells the story of Scotland's history from the formation of the land in the prehistoric era to the re-convention of the Scottish Parliament in 1998, in 160 panels and 143 metres of stitching.

Dorothy McMillan: A History of Scottish Women's Writing 1700-1900: 16 March, Smith Art Gallery & Museum, 7:30pm
Dorothy McMillan is Senior Lecturer in English Literature and former Head of School of English and Scottish Language and Literature at Glasgow University. Here, she considers how things have changed nearly two decades on from the publication of her anthology The Scotswoman at Home and Abroad: Non-Fiction Writing 1700–1900.

David Paterson: Memories of the Neolithic: 1 March, Smith Art Gallery & Museum
Images of Scotland's neolithic monuments.

Weaving the Unicorn: Throughout March, Stirling Castle
Hand-woven tapestry, Hunt of the Unicorn, a series of seven reimagined medieval tapestries.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Stirling Orchestra: 1 March, Albert Halls, 2:30 or 4:40pm
An orchestra made up of mostly amateur musicians from Stirling University and the local area who perform several concerts a year.

Teechers: 4 March, macrobert, 7:30pm
John Godber's play set in a challenging secondary school with a new drama teacher trying to make it through the end-of-term play in one piece. Presented by Blackeyed Theatre.

Long Live the Little Knife: 6 March, macrobert, 7:30pm
Site-specific, boisterous production of the tale of two art forgers who need to learn how to paint.

Susan Calman: 7 March, Tolbooth, 8pm
The Calmanator's latest show explores the different ways one can be 'lady like', mental health and an interesting honeymoon in the sewers of Paris.

Sounds from Stirling Castle: A Military Concert: 13 March, Stirling Castle, 7:30pm
Performances in aid of the service charity Erskine and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Museum Trust.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Scotfairs Antique and Collectors Fair: 7 March, Albert Halls
A large selection of collectables old and new, from rare treasures for the connoisseur to interesting and affordable pieces for anyone and everyone.