St Andrews Happenings: March 2016

Emily Goetsch Student Services Officer


March 1, 2016

Art and Culture

Draw the Line: Old Masters to the Beano

Throughout March, McManus Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum

An exhibition of drawing featuring figure studies and portraiture, illustration, preparatory sketches, landscape and topography by historic and contemporary artists including Augustus John, Graeme Sutherland, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Will Maclean, Thomas Gainsborough, Amelia Long, William Gillies and Ian Fleming.

Grey Gardens

Throughout March, Dundee Contemporary Arts

Art and architecture inspired by modernity and nature. Featured architects include Morris and Steedman and Peter Womersley, while artists include Guido Guidi, Martin Boyce and Neville Rae.

Generator Projects Members Show

3-6 March, Generator Projects

Work by gallery artists.

Caring for Drawings

3 March, McManus: Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum, 10:30am

An interactive session in which curators show you how they store and care for drawings. Booking is essential.

52 Ways of Writing a Poem

4 March, Byre Theatre, 10:30am

Jo Bell, former director of National Poetry Day and doyenne of global workshop group 52, explores some of the techniques that made the group so successful in bringing out the best and deepest writing from its members. Intensive, lively and discursive, this session explores the idea of conversation between poets alive and dead, and gives a quick hit of the most productive exercises from Jo’s extensive workbook.

At the Mountain of Madness

12 March, Byre Theatre, 7:30pm

Theatrical adaptation of HP Lovecraft's chilling masterpiece.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Scottish Chamber Orchestra- Beethoven Piana Concerto No 4

2 March, Younger Hall, 7:30pm

Alexander Janiczek, leading from the first violin chair, directs CPE Bach's Symphony in G Wq183/4; Mozart's Violin Concerto No 2 K211 and Rondo in C K373, and Beethoven's mighty Piano Concerto No 4, featuring Llŷr Williams.

Lunchtime Concert: St Andrews New Music Ensemble and guests

2 March, Byre Theatre, 1:10pm

Students from the University of St Andrews are joined by specialist musicians from across Scotland to perform a new commission by Glasgow-based composer John De Simone. With its rhythmic inventiveness, pungent harmony, and melodic beauty, Simone’s music has an immediacy and complexity which sets it apart from so much other contemporary composition. Simone’s new piece for the St Andrews New Music Ensemble, entitled Poetics, is an exploration of a post-Stravinskian musical language, and will be performed alongside Stravinsky’s Dumbarton Oaks.

Jazz Night at StAnza

3 March, Byre Theatre, 10pm

Come along and enjoy the festival atmosphere at one of StAnza's vibrant late night sessions. Sit back and listen as jazz musicians come together for a jam session. And when they pause for a breather, there will be a few open mic poetry slots.

Big Ears, Little Ears

15 March, Byre Theatre, 10:30am

Big Ears, Little Ears is a series of informal concerts by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra for parents, carers and young children, providing an opportunity for grown ups and little ones to share high-quality live music in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Blue Angels Spring Gala

30 March, Byre Theatre, 7:30pm

Current International Dance Federation World Champions, the Blue Angels perform and compete around the UK, specialising in ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap and – new this year – hip hop. The Blue Angels are students from the University of St Andrews and their spring variety performance is a fantastic opportunity to see the troupe show off their stunning world-class dance routines.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

StAnza: Scotland's Poetry Festival

2-6 March, Various locations and times

StAnza is a literary festival that focuses on verse. Joining the locals for readings, performances, slams and open mics, jazz, films, workshops and poetry-related art exhibitions, installations and films are a host of local and international wordsmiths.
