Spring 2014 Ceilidh!

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


March 19, 2014

With much alacrity and some grace, students from the University of Aberdeen, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow, the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Stirling came together for our big ceilidh of the term.

Held in the great hall at the Stirling Highland Hotel, we enjoyed a fusion of American and Scottish foods before hitting the dance floor.  With demonstrations from the University of Edinburgh Country Dance Society and our own lively ceilidh band, we were not only able to learn some new dance moves, but also had presentations on aspects of Scottish heritage, such as the history of the kilt.

The dancing was really the highlight of the evening, however, and we had a remarkable level of energy and participation from students and staff.  While we may have stumbled through the first few steps, by the time we got to the Virginia Reel, we were all shuffling with confidence!

True to form, the event concluded with the joining of hands in a circle and the singing of Old Lang Syne.  This truly was our most successful ceilidh to date, a testament to the enthusiasm and zeal of the students.  We very much look forward to future ceilidhs and to celebrating the American-Scottish experience in the terms to come.