Scotland Award Winners - Fall 2021

Cameron McKay Student Services Officer


December 16, 2021

Each semester we run the Scotland Awards, a student competition which awards blogging, photography, as well as creative and reflective writing. Thank you everyone who entered the contest, as we really enjoyed seeing what everyone has been up to this semester. Despite the challenges of this semester, we were glad to see that so many of you managed to get out there and explore Scotland. Without further ado here are the Scotland Awards winners for Spring 2021!

Best Blog: Nick Bowman (Wesleyan University) for his blog ‘Murphy’s Law.’

'Travel often doesn’t turn out as you’d perhaps dreamed or even planned. Sometimes Murphy’s Law feels as if it hangs like an albatross around your neck. Whatever could go wrong … will, and often you can do little about it. But that’s what travel really is...'

Aww isn’t that cute: Katherine Grant (Elon University) for her picture of a Highland coo. 

Scenic Scotland: Magdalena Zak (Pennsylvania State University) for her pictures of Glencoe. 

Special Mentions: Paulina Cardenas (Amherst College), Joanne Lee (University of Northwestern) and Claire Marsden (Santa Clara University). 

Congratulations to all of our winners who will be receiving an Amazon voucher shortly. Well done all!
