Nobel Prize Winners Who Studied Abroad in the UK

Dr. Hamish Thompson Resident Director


October 6, 2015

According to a study from the British Council, UK universities educated more than a third of all international students who went on to become Nobel Prize winners. Since the prize began in 1901, 860 individuals have won the award and 131 studied abroad for part of their education and 38% of the award winners studied for some time at UK institutions. The most recent Nobel Prize winner who studied in Britain is Randy Schekman who spent his third year of his undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh. He is a cell biologist who won the 2013 prize for physiology of medicine.    

Jo Beall, director of education and society at the British Council, said that there were 493,570 international students studying at UK universities in 2013-14 and it is “thrilling to imagine what they will go [on] to achieve and which of them could be future Nobel laureates; with their experience here as a springboard to that.”
