Farewell from the Edinburgh Center

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


May 15, 2015

We hope you are enjoying the final weeks of your program. It’s been a great semester filled with trips to Dunkeld to experience the sounds of Scotland, a journey to the Borders and conversations with authors. In spite of all this, we are certain that many of you are looking forward to returning to the US to be with your families and friends. We thought we would take this opportunity to give you a few reminders and tips as you head into final exams (if you still have some left) and your last few days in Scotland.

If you have any last minute questions about taking exams or about your preparations for leaving, don’t hesitate to let us know. We have really enjoyed getting to know all of you and hope that you will keep in touch and come visit us when you are back in Scotland!


The term has flown by and it’s time to start thinking about wrapping things up. We have a few tips to help you finish out your courses with a bang and make the most of your remaining time in Scotland. Staying organized and keeping on top of tasks hopefully will help to relieve some of the stress of exams and packing. Enjoy the final weeks and let us know if we can help!

Things To Do/Remember:

  • Ensure that you know when/where all of your exams are and when/where you need to turn in your assignments
  • Remember to check your university email accounts to ensure that you have all necessary instructions for moving out and departure
  • Make sure to return all of your library books
  • E-mail lecturers and make notes of e-mail addresses if you want to keep in touch in the future
  • Settle any outstanding university fees related to library books or accommodation damage
  • Buy any last minute souvenirs—you can reclaim VAT tax on items purchased during your last month in the country
  • Locate your passport and all necessary travel documents
  • Start packing early—check how much luggage you have and check on any baggage limits that your airline might impose
  • Take lots of photos, visit your favorite places and enjoy your free time in the country! If you're willing to share, please send them to us!
  • Keep in touch with Arcadia and let us know how you are doing—we love to hear from you!