Another farewell to the All Year 2019 and Spring 2020 students.

Dr. Hamish Thompson Resident Director


May 27, 2020

Dear Students,

It has been a tumultuous and crazy semester.  This is the second farewell I am sending after the other hasty message we sent back in March which feels both like no time ago - yet forever. 

I would like to share our virtual zoom farewell with you all from the announcement of the Scotland Awards to my rather uneven fiddle playing (and even some juggling) as a memory of these strange times. You will also get to see Fraser's rather brilliant quiz that you can play along to and Laura's rabbit. 

Please stay safe all and best of wishes for your futures and we hope one day to see you again when you return to Scotland for a visit. 

Our Zoom Farewell:-  

Introduction and the Scotland Awards

Fraser's Farewell Quiz

Hamish juggling!

. . . and playing the fiddle

Don't forget Laura's rabbit

Best wishes to you all!!!

Hamish and the Arcadia Scotland Team