Aberdeen: Early February 2014

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


February 1, 2014

Art and Culture

The Amateur Eye: Photographs of 1930s Aberdeen: Throughout the Beginning of February, Aberdeen Maritime Museum

Previously unseen photographs taken by chemistry teacher and talented amateur photographer, Martin F Bailey, around Aberdeen in the 1930s.

Fiji, Scotland and the Making of Empire: Throughout the Beginning of February, King's Museum

Artifacts displaying the connections between Northern Scotland the South Pacific.

The Great Tapestry of Scotland: Beginning 15 February, Aberdeen Art Gallery

Potentially the longest tapestry in the world (beating the Kieskamma tapestry in the South African parliament by a cool 23 metres), the artwork has been worked on by people from all across the country since 2012. It tells the story of Scotland's history from the formation of the land in the prehistoric era to the re-convention of the Scottish Parliament in 1998, in 160 panels and 143 metres of stitching.

HMT Tours: 1, 8, 15 February, His Majesty's Theatre, 10.30am

Volunteer ushers lead tours of His Majesty's Theatre, exploring the architecture and the spooky history of the venue. Tours last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.

Sir David Gill 1843-1914: Aberdeen's Royal Astronomer: Throughout the Beginning of February, Aberdeen Maritime Museum

Exhibition marking 100 years since Gill’s death about how a son of an Aberdeen watchmaker grew up to become the foremost practical astronomer of his age.

Politics with a Punch--Modern Satirical Cartoons: Throughout the Beginning of February, Aberdeen Art Gallery

Display of satirical cartoons by Ralph Steadman, David Low, Martin Rowson and Steve Bell with topics ranging from Thatcher to Hitler.

Music, Comedy and Dance

Ceilidh with Shindig: 7 February, Music Hall, 8pm

Traditional ceilidh with music from Shindig, one of the north-east's top bands.

Lunchtime Concerts: 6 and 13 February, The Cowdray Hall, 12.45pm

Elevate your lunchbreak into the realms of the sublime with these classical concerts in the University of Aberdeen's Cowdray Hall.

Pirates of Penzance: 12-15 February, Aberdeen Arts Centre, 7.30pm or 2.30pm

The University of Aberdeen Gilbert and Sullivan Society present the comic opera also known as The Slave of Duty.

Lectures, Sports and Local Festivals

Manipulate Visual Theatre Festival: 1-8 February, The Lemon Tree

Puppet Animation Scotland collates a collection of world class animation and puppetry and related performing arts of all styles and techniques and through its master classes also provides learning opportunities.

Andy Torbet: Operation Iceberg: 3 February, MacRobert Building,

The star of the BBC's Operation Iceberg talks about his time spent living and working on a glacier in Greenland.

'The Bloomsbury Group' by Griffin Coe, Curator: 5 February, Aberdeen Art Gallery, 12.30pm

A series of free talks taking place on Wednesday lunchtimes in various Aberdeen museums. Booking essential for talks at the Maritime Museum. Booking is essential.

SPECTRA: Aberdeen Festival of Light: 6-9 February, Various Venues

Aberdeen's first ever festival of light aims to dazzle occupants with a mixture of light installations, exhibitions and events including a garden planted entirely with LED flowers and a parade of technicolor visuals along the usually dim backstreets of the city.

Proms Winter 3K: 7 February, Aberdeen Beach, 1pm

A quick jog to get your heart pumping.

'Marion Patterson's Medals: Courageous Rescue in Wartime Aberdeen' by Stewart Thain: 12 February, The Cowdray Hall, 12.30pm

A series of free talks taking place on Wednesday lunchtimes in various Aberdeen museums. Booking essential for talks at the Maritime Museum. Booking is essential.