A Statement from Arcadia University on White House Executive Order

Dr. Hamish Thompson Resident Director


February 2, 2017

All students should be aware of our commitment to all students whatever their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, political perspective, economics, or geography, and this reflects the core of Arcadia’s values. 

While recent events provide a chance to act as a cultural ambassador in your host country, we realize this may also be a stressful time to be away from home. You may have anticipated needing to adapt and seek understanding of your new home during your study abroad experience, but with the recent election and significant policy changes, you may now also need to seek that same cross-cultural understanding of your fellow Americans studying with you. We encourage you to engage in meaningful, civil discourse in the interest of understanding and seeing the world from a different angle. There is no more relevant time to do this than now.

If you are in need of support or have been impacted by the executive order, please reach out to Arcadia’s on-site staff for assistance. Counseling services are available at all of our program sites through direct enroll partners or with private providers through the health insurance in which you have been enrolled. We also encourage you to be in touch with any member of the College's health and safety team if you have any questions or concerns, as we want to partner with you towards a successful experience. Arcadia University and The College of Global Studies remain committed to its diverse, global community, as cross-cultural understanding is now more important than ever.

An official statement from Arcadia University:-

"The recent White House Executive Order leaves much uncertainty with colleges and universities and their students, scholars, international programs, and global alliances. This 90-day order not only impacts refugees and people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, or Yemen, but also citizens, legal residents, and families from countries around the world, including the U.S.

It is in response to this executive order that Arcadia reaffirms its commitment to uphold the University’s global mission. Arcadia’s community of staff, faculty, and students spans the world, with colleagues and scholars engaging daily in civil dialogue and embracing cultures through research, scholarship, service, and professionalism. This engagement transcends race, ethnicity, gender, religion, political perspective, economics, or geography, and reflects the core of Arcadia’s values.  

We also reaffirm the right to an environment that is free from harassment. As underscored in our Civility Statement: A community upholding civility respects the rights of individuals and groups. It is characterized by understanding and considerations of the differences among members of the community.  

For now, those in our community awaiting permanent residence or citizenship status, or those who hold non-immigrant visa status with a passport from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, or Yemen, are strongly discouraged to travel outside of the U.S."
