700 Year anniversary of Bannockburn!

John Bennett Special Programs & Housing Officer


June 26, 2014

The Battle of Bannockburn, which took place on 24 June 1314, was a critical moment in the Scottish wars of independence.  Despite being heavily outnumber, Robert the Bruce led his troops to a key victory against the forces of the English King Edward II.

While many uncertainties remain about the battle, including its exact location, the event is heralded as one of the most significant moments in Scottish history and is of particular significance this year as the Referendum will be held in September.

In celebration of the 700-year anniversary of the battle, a new visitors' center has opened and  brave troops are re-enacting the battle over the weekend of 28-29 June.

Located just outside of Stirling, the event is easily accessible and well worth a visit!

For more information and to buy tickets visit:
