Summer 2016 Photography Competition Winner

Emma Simpson August 22, 2016

The Edinburgh Center had some seriously impressive entries for this summer’s photography competition! Thank you to everyone who shared their photos of their experiences around Scotland and a massive congratulations to the winners! First Place $30 Amazon… More

Student Success: Rosalie Good

Emily Goetsch August 3, 2016

During their time abroad, our students reach many different goals and achieve a variety of accomplishments through hard work and dedication. We are always thrilled to hear about student successes and we recently received some fantastic news about the… More

Fall 2016 Events

Emma Simpson July 21, 2016

Scotland looks forward to welcoming you this coming fall semester! We have designed a program of events that we hope will enhance your experience in Scotland. Below is a first glance of the excursions that will be taking place this fall. Event registration… More

The Everyday Joy of Being a SUISS Student

Student Voices June 15, 2016

written by shannon dolley, scottish universities international summer school (Suiss) “When I was in Scotland . . . ” These days, as I approach the one year anniversary of my adventure with SUISS, I find myself beginning many sentences with these words… More

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