The Beast from the East Attacks!

Emma Simpson March 5, 2018

The UK is used to tabloids trying to stir up controversy with whatever they can use as ammunition. Every winter there are headlines that try to make us believe we'll open our front doors and find ourselves transported to a scene from The Day After Tomorrow… More

Fall 2017 Photography Competition

Emma Simpson January 24, 2018

The results of our spring photography competition are in! Thank you so much to everyone who entered this semester's competition. We had so many impressive entries and it was very difficult to select our favourites! First Place $50 AMAZON VOUCHER 'Forth… More

Highland Weekend

Dr. Alex Collins November 14, 2017

Students who come to Scotland for their study abroad come to a country whose history, landscape and scale all play a parts in that choice. Being a small country, it is not far for students to get out of their university towns and visit the Highlands,… More

Summer 2017 Photography Competition

Emma Simpson August 18, 2017

The Edinburgh Center had some seriously impressive entries for this summer’s photography competition! Thank you to everyone who shared their photos of their experiences around Scotland and a massive congratulations to the winners! First Place $30 Amazon… More

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