Stirling Happenings: October 2015

Emily Goetsch October 1, 2015

Art and Culture The Last Yankee 24 October, Tolbooth, 8pm Celebrating Arthur Miller's centenary, Rapture Theatre present this play about Leroy Hamilton and his wife Patricia, and the consequences of their inability to achieve the mythical riches of… More

Fall 2015 Events

Catherine Fenton August 4, 2015

There is much to look forward to during the Fall 2015 Semester in Scotland. Here is a first glance at the events that will be taking place during your time in Scotland. Registration opens Wednesday, August 12 at Noon (EST) in your Arcadia Passport. Brave… More

Farewell from the Edinburgh Center

John Bennett May 15, 2015

We hope you are enjoying the final weeks of your program. It’s been a great semester filled with trips to Dunkeld to experience the sounds of Scotland, a journey to the Borders and conversations with authors. In spite of all this, we are certain that… More

Rhythms of the World Event Spring 2015

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 26, 2015

Our trip started with a visit to the Hermitage just outside Dunkeld where the 3rd Earl of Breadalbane created a hall and cave in 1760 where he advertised unsuccessfully for a hermit. Fortunately none of our students took up the offer! This cave was dedicated… More

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