New Reekie in the Botanics

Emily Goetsch June 25, 2015

We would like to think this is the first ever 'smog' post--that is, a smelly blog post. Any day now, the world's stinkiest plant will blossom at Edinburgh's Royal Botanic Gardens. After twelve years of careful nurturing, the giant amorphophallus titanum… More

Rhythms of the World Event Spring 2015

Dr. Hamish Thompson February 26, 2015

Our trip started with a visit to the Hermitage just outside Dunkeld where the 3rd Earl of Breadalbane created a hall and cave in 1760 where he advertised unsuccessfully for a hermit. Fortunately none of our students took up the offer! This cave was dedicated… More

Stirling Happenings: March 2015

Emily Goetsch February 18, 2015

Art and Culture The Great Tapestry of Scotland: Through 8 March, Stirling CastlePotentially the longest tapestry in the world (beating the Kieskamma tapestry in the South African parliament by a cool 23 metres), the artwork has been worked on by people… More

St Andrews Happenings: March 2015

Emily Goetsch February 18, 2015

Art and Culture Workshop: Edit, Draft, Edit [Repeat]: 7 March, 10:30am, St Andrews LibraryAhren Warner, the poetry editor for Poetry London, a leading international poetry magazine, has been praised by the Sunday Times for his 'pizzazz, wit and – astonishing… More

Edinburgh Happenings: March 2015

Emily Goetsch February 18, 2015

Art and Culture Game Masters: Throughout March, National Museum of ScotlandMassive touring exhibition celebrating the varied history of computer gaming. With more than 125 playable games to work your way through, get stuck into arcade games, physical… More

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