Virtual Europe in Scotland

Dr. Hamish Thompson April 30, 2020

Scotland is delighted to be offering three online courses in Scotland as a part of Virtual Europe including a Scottish History and Museum Studies Program.  Hear Dr Joan Haig, Dr Cameron McKay and Dr Hamish Thompson talk about their courses. We very much… More

The 700th Anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath

Cameron McKay April 7, 2020

This Monday marks 700 hundred years since the writing of the Declaration of Arbroath, a document that is widely believed to be the most important in Scotland’s history. Debated by historians, and quoted by politicians, the ‘Declaration’ was actually a… More

A History of Pandemics in Scotland

Cameron McKay March 31, 2020

Although Covid-19 has had a detrimental impact on all our lives, it is important to remember that it is just one of the many pandemics that has occurred in the history of Scotland. For millennia disease has threatened humankind, but this same danger has… More

Update to Spring 2020 Arcadia Programs

Dr. Hamish Thompson March 17, 2020

The Spring 2020 Arcadia programs in Scotland have been suspended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Students should look for emails from Arcadia for specific information and general updates can be found on Arcadia's Coronavirus updates blog and FAQs. More

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