
Emily Goetsch


Student Services Officer

The Highland Games: A Tradition Unlike Any Other

Emily Goetsch July 15, 2016

Each year one of the highlights of our summer programming is a trip to the Highlands Games, where the competition is fierce and the tartan a-blazing. This year, we assembled in Edinburgh, made a quick pick-up in Glasgow and then made our way to the village… More

Gardens Galore!: Flowery June events Around Scotland

Emily Goetsch June 1, 2016

The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and when this happens in Scotland, we head outdoors!  The summer months offer the opportunity to visit a range of gardens in and around Scotland.  From historic houses and castles to parks and botanic gardens… More

Musical May: Scottish Folk Music Across Scotland

Emily Goetsch May 1, 2016

From bagpipes to fiddles, the sounds of traditional Scottish music are known the world over.  Despite having roots in the medieval period, secular Scottish music started to take off after the Reformation with references to bagpipes as early as 1547. The… More

April Festivals Galore!

Emily Goetsch April 5, 2016

April showers may bring May flowers, but they also bring festivals and events across Scotland which are not to be missed!  As the days grow longer, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews and Stirling all have festivals, which offer of activities and… More

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