
Emily Goetsch


Student Services Officer

A Day in the Scottish Borders

Emily Goetsch February 21, 2017

This past Saturday a group of lively students set out for an adventure in the Scottish Borders.  This region between Scotland and England boasts stunning scenery, historic buildings and a wealth of Scottish history, so we had a lot on the agenda for the… More

February Festivals

Emily Goetsch February 1, 2017

With all of our students now in-country, in classes and taking Scotland by storm, February promises to be an exciting month!  Moving into student accommodation and finding one's way to classes and social events always takes a bit of adjustment, but we… More

New Year, New Experiences: January 2016 Happenings

Emily Goetsch January 1, 2017

We are thrilled to welcome so many new students to Scotland this term!  January is a very busy month with orientations, classes starting, society meetings and fresh social calendars, but we hope that you will have a chance to start taking advantage of… More

Saying Farewell to Scotland

Emily Goetsch December 7, 2016

It's been a great term and we hope to catch as many of you as possible at our Farewell events over the next few weeks! As your finals begin to wrap up and as you start to think about returning home (gasp!), we have a few words of wisdom to share, which… More

Festive Events Across Scotland: December 2016

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2016

While the weather may be chilly and the days short, December offers ample opportunity for warmth, joy and generally festive feelings.  Scotland embraces a range of cultures and traditions from around the world, and cities across the country play host… More

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