
Emily Goetsch


Student Services Officer

Aberdeen Happenings: December 2015

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2015

Art and Culture Born and Baptised: Beginning 12 December, Aberdeen Maritime MuseumA variety of objects and paintings showing the changing nature and importance of birth and baptism in society.Dick Whittington and His Cat: 5-19 December, The Tivoli Theatre… More

Edinburgh Happenings: December 2015

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2015

Art and CultureThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Throughout December, Royal Lyceum Theatre, Various timesThe full might and magic of the Lyceum's excellent costume and design department gets behind the CS Lewis classic. Luc Tuymans: Birds of a Feather:… More

Glasgow Happenings: December 2015

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2015

Art and CultureTurner Prize 2015:  Tramway, Throughout DecemberThe Turner Prize is the biggest award in British art, with £25,000 going to the winner and £5,000 to the nominees, and the most controversial. Its championship of conceptual rigour over traditionalism… More

St Andrews Happenings: December 2015

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2015

Art and CultureRecording Scotland: World War II Through Artists' Eyes: Throughout December, MUSAWhat was it like to be an artist during the Second World War? Explore an incredible collection of drawings and paintings created by artists during the war… More

Stirling Happenings: December 2015

Emily Goetsch December 1, 2015

Art and CultureA Celebration of Burns: 23 and 24 December, Stirling Castle, 12-3pmStirling Castle's annual celebration of the national bard features a tour of the castle, which inspired his infamous poem on Scotland's national decay, Lines on Stirling… More

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