Wellness Wednesday: What to do in Ireland

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


November 11, 2020

As we prepare for students coming to Ireland in the Spring I wanted to share some suggestions on how I think you could spend your free time. We can’t say what level of restriction we will be facing so with that in mind I'm going to keep my suggestions very local. If we proceed to freedom of movement, great! Lets start with what is on our doorstep first though.

Here are my top 10 things to do

  1. Go for a walk in your Local Park
  2. Walk by the beach closest to you and write a poem
  3. Read John Banville - The Sea
  4. Check out the Irish Time's best Irish movie guide and watch one
  5. Go on a walk and find your local coffee shop and sip throughout your walk! 
  6. Find your local bakery and discover your new favourite bread
  7. Learn how to make Irish brown bread 
  8. Host a virtual event. Arcadia University in Dublin will be hosting some but we can also support an idea that you might have! 
  9. Speak to a local business owner – could be your local butcher or newsagent.
  10. Get into photography and think about gathering your photos of “Ireland in Pandemic: The Year I studied abroad”. Send us your photos and we will pick out a winner and reward you with a voucher worth €50


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