Wellness Wednesday: Minding your mental health during times of change

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


May 27, 2020

Phase one of the country's roadmap out of the coronavirus lockdown got under way on Monday 18th May, with those whose jobs are outdoors including construction workers and gardeners allowed to go back to work. We can now catch up with friends and family in small numbers, and get out and about a little more than we’ve been able to for a couple of months. All being well, restrictions will continue to be lifted in the weeks and months to come, allowing us slowly to return to some kind of “normal”. Coronavirus lockdown made for the past few months many of us anxious but for some people, returning to 'normal' might be scarier.

Because we haven’t experienced anything like the coronavirus pandemic in recent history, we simply don’t know how our community will readjust as restrictions ease. Some people may feel particularly anxious about reconnecting. For example, people with social anxiety might experience heightened anxiety about the prospect of socialising again. Meanwhile, people who fear germs, such as some people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), might worry about re-entering public spaces. Even people who don’t normally have these tendencies might share similar worries. 

The public health measures implemented to mitigate coronavirus risk have worked to stop the spread of the virus, but they’ve also disrupted the way we live. There’s much speculation on what the future will look like, resulting in the “new normal” terminology. A key concern as we continue to navigate this new normal is our collective mental health.

Our government has put in place a campaign called In this Together. Here you will find lots of advice and tips on how you can look after your mental wellbeing, stay active and stay connected through all of this. In This Together draws together a huge range of activities that you can pursue in your home or your locality, by yourself or with family members or with friends online. There are ideas and activities for people of all ages. Check it out, you mind find things you didn’t even consider to be helpful during these times of constant change.