Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


September 11, 2015

Our semester is off to a flying start with three welcome events in one week! We kicked off the week with a trip to the lovely Limerick, to try out a bit of traditional Irish Set dancing. I'm not exactly known for my grace on the dance floor but thankfully our University of Limerick students had an expert to show them ropes. We gave it our best shot and as we say in Ireland ‘’It was gas craic altogether’’- translation ‘’It was really hilarious fun!’’

The following night I was off to Cork for an evening of Food, Fairies and Folklore to welcome our University College Cork students. I really think there is no better way to understand the Irish history and culture, then through a storytelling event. Storytelling in Ireland is an art form going back to ancient times. The Seanachí or Storytelller is one of the most respected people in a Irish community, our Seananchí Pat, certainly deserves every bit of it! Seated in one of the oldest, and most famous pubs in Cork City, we were transported back in time; though truth and myth to gain a wonderful understanding of this magical little island.

Tonight I'm heading to buzzing Galway to catch up with our NUI Galway & Burren College of Art students. Galway has a fantastic atmosphere with its street performers, old beautiful buildings, cobbled streets and music bursting from the pubs. Again we’ll be treated to an evening of Food, Fairies & Folklore, and I'm sure we’ll be equally delighted!