UCC Farewell Meal

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


April 28, 2016

Yesterday evening brought me to the Rebel County of Cork to meet our UCC students for the end of Semester farewell meal. What a treat it was! A nice small group meant that we were able to all sit together and exchange stories over delicious Irish food. There was a buzz in the restaurant for a Wednesday night and the mood at our table was certainly upbeat and energetic. It was a joy to learn about their time in Cork, their group trips to other parts of Europe and one special trip to Jerusalem! This group were interesting and adventurous and despite many being in the middle of exams, were so relaxed and happy.

Trips was only one of the things we chatted about. Many had been involved in Rock climbing in Cork and one person, who became very friendly with a local Irish shared her experience of attending horse racing in Ireland on one occasion and the Trinity Ball on another. It seemed as though many were able to meet and get to know Irish students in their accommodation and this created wonderful social opportunities.

This group had found their favourite local places to hang out. Many reflected on Arcadia’s orientation in Dublin right back in January and remembered some of the things we told them to watch out for. Now having lived here for the best part of five months, they were able to appreciate our tips for living in Ireland. I could hear whispers of the weather and one person even asked if we would have rain over the next few days. Now this is definitely a sign of adjustment!

Although this group were enthusiastic and happy with the place that has been their home for the past while, there was still an excitement about the prospect of returning home. Home to the familiar, to their family, friends, pets, part-time jobs, internships, Summer classes and for many, sunshine and good Mexican food!

Thank you UCC Spring 2016 for a light, fun, enjoyable evening. I haven’t laughed or smiled that much in a while.





Student Life