Summer Study Abroad Program

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


August 9, 2016

This was a very special summer for the Arcadia Dublin Center, as it was the first time we ran our own programs in the center in addition to the direct enrol programs with Irish Universities.

Students have a variety of ways they can study abroad in Dublin through Arcadia. Firstly, we run an eight week program Irish History, Politics and Literature taught in our Dublin Center. We also run Arcadia in Dublin where students can pick to spend one session (4 weeks) in either June or July or even both studying in Dublin, they can also couple this with a session in one of Arcadia other European locations

This summer, Arcadia in Dublin students were also able to take a class in Entrepreneurship and study alongside the Dublin Internship Summer Program students. The Internship program is fantastic and last week I had the opportunity to listen to the students as they presented on their placements. Internships included everything from medical and financial to business and charity. I was so impressed with the presentations and everything they had gotten from the experience.

Finally we had the STEM Summer Research program, a direct enrol program with University College Dublin. Another fantastic hands-on program, these students were given the opportunity to conduct research in their STEM field adding a truly great dimension to their resumes.

As the summer students all depart this week, we wish them all the best for the future!


Dublin Center