Summer Photo and Video Competition Winners

Alice Higgins Dublin, Ireland


August 16, 2018

We are always blown away by the content that is shared with us for our photo and video competitions and this summer has been no different. Below are our top picks, but please hop onto @arcadiaireland or check out the #arcadiaireland on Instagram to see all the awesome entries we received. 

This year's photo competition winner is Ashley Selig. Her beautiful photo really captures Ireland at it's best. It's taken on the Aran Islands and shows off the stunning weather we had this summer. Congratulations, Ashley and thanks for sharing!

In no particular order, here are our runners-up: 

Anna Moody in Glendalogh, Co. Wicklow.

Kennedy Sawicki at The Giant's Causeway. 

The guys from TrillmontTravels in Howth (John Stein, Andrew Barker and Fred Rupp)

We were also lucky enough to receive video entries and it was Kyla Nitahara's video that completely blew us away. Check it out above. 

Thanks so much to everyone for entering. Ashley and Kyla if you keep an eye on your emails, a $50 Amazon voucher is headed your way. 
