Student Interview with...Zoe Bartholomew (Trinity College Dublin)


December 9, 2014

What has been the highlight of your time in Ireland so far?

It’s difficult to pin down. Probably the multiple day trips I’ve taken, for example to Howth or Kilkenny. Everything in Ireland is very accessible from Dublin, and buses are so cheap, that day trips have always been fun, cheap, and easy!

Have you joined any clubs or societies?

I am in the kayaking club, hiking society, yoga society, and want to volunteer with Trinity’s Vincent de Paul society.

Where is your favourite place to go for the craic?

I love going out to the pubs after club and society meetings. Always a great time with good people. We tend to go to Doyles or just the pav.

Any favourite Irish foods so far?

A VEGETARIAN (I know that’s a dirty word for the Irish) Irish breakfast.

Favourite time of the day in Ireland?

When it’s not raining, in the morning before everyone ele is awake.

How often do you chat to family and friends back home?

Talk to my parents once a week and my friends sporadically.

Anything you miss from back home?

Efficency! And family and friends of course.

Made any new Irish friends?

Yes- also international one- from being invovled in clubs and societies.

How has this experience impacted your life goals, direction, academic aspirations, career aspirations, personal development to daye?

I’ve lived abroad a lot, but have never gone to school abroad. I am going into museum curation and need to go to graduate school. Being at Trinity has opened me up to doing research in different countries, getting used to different academic structures, and has made me consider staying abraoad for graduate work since research materials are a lot more accessible. Sorry- really boring answer.

Any advice to give to others on the programme? 

Get involved as much as you can. You have a lot a free time, so use that time to do things you love when you have the chance!


Student Interviews