Student Interview with...Emma Jahnke (Maynooth University)


December 5, 2014

What has been the highlight of your time in Ireland so far?

My mom visiting me and hearing that she enjoyed Ireland as much as I have (She started looking at property values! haha!). Also, feeling like I knew enough to show her around a little was really fun!

Have you joined any clubs or societies?

I have joined a few, but am most involved in American flag football and kayaking.

Where is your favourite place to go for the craic?

Definitely anywhere the kayaking club is! They are a great group of friends, I love learning to kayak as a new hobby and they make an effort to hang out after training and trips.

Any favourite Irish foods so far?

White pudding is actually not bad! You can’t beat fresh fish and chips. I haven’t had a lot of really Irish food, I’ve found quite a few more drinks that say they are from Ireland.

Favourite time of the day in Ireland?

Same as it is for me at home: dusk :) I love the setting sun

How often do you chat to family and friends back home?

I call my mom and my best friend each once a week. Others sporadically. Most days I probably have texts from someone back home.

Anything you miss from back home?

Being familiar with the logistics of things and just how systems work. My friends. GAME DAY!!! Having my regular crew to go to the library with.

Made any new Irish friends?

Kayaking club! There’s a theme here… (I was the first of my roommates to really have an Irish friend! woo!)

How has this experience impacted your life goals, direction, academic aspirations, career aspirations, personal development to daye?

I decided that I’m going to go straight to medical school if at all possible. Before coming to Ireland I was feeling pretty burnt out on school. But I feel like this semester has helped me to feel like life is a bit more balanced, and that I will be able to really focus for another four years. Its been a good break.

Any advice to give to others on the programme?  

Don’t be afraid of doing things on your own. That’s the best way to really get involved in a new experience. If you’ve made a little safe zone of friends you met right away, try branching out on your own for something, it might expand your network of friends!


Student Interviews