Spring Competition Winners

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


May 9, 2016

A massive congratulations to our Spring competition winners!

Jordan Robles from Western Washington University studying at National University of Ireland Galway, won first place in the creative writing competition for her wonderful short story entitled ‘The Fairy Forest’.  Jordan submitted this piece under the Co-Curricular theme 'Imagined Ireland'  you can read a short excerpt from Jordan's story below;

We threw on our raincoats and braced ourselves for the forecasted rainstorm. Walking through the village, we saw people taking full advantage of their Sundays, grocery shopping, enjoying a work-free day, sipping coffee and visiting with friends. Jess had a map of the town where she circled the coordinates for Mrs. O’Grady’s Fairy Forest in pink highlighter. We walked and talked about the locals we met last night, our nearing midterms and upcoming trips. We mostly talked about how lucky we felt to experience trips like these and how none of us were ready to leave Ireland yet.’

Emily Freebery from Fordham University, studying in Queens University Belfast, is the winner of the photography competition. This semesters photo contest was run under the Arcadia Life of the Mind theme ‘Protest!’, Emily captured an excellent shot of peaceful protesters during the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Belfast this March. 

Thanks so much to everyone who submitted to the Spring Competition; and to our two winners, enjoy spending those Amazon vouchers!


Student Life