Semester End

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


December 20, 2016

This week marks the end of another semester at Arcadia Ireland. As our Fall students pack their bags, print their boarding passes and say goodbye to new friends made, we reflect on the highlights of the term. 

Orientation back in September seems so long ago - the students had a great time getting to know one another at Experience Gaelic Games and at Riverdance. Following orientation in Dublin, students settled into life on campus, before embarking on a home-stay weekend in a Irish community. 

In October we were busy with Co-Curricular trips including a weekend in Belfast and the Antrim Coast, we well as a trips to the Aran Islands, Killarney National Park and an Arcadia Culture Night. We also hosted a 'Study abroad and your Career' seminar in the Dublin Center. Dr. Tom carved a pumpkin for the Arcadia team, while the students throughout the country participated in pumpkin carving contest. 

November saw more Co-Curricular activities, including a trip to Bunratty Castle and the Cliffs of Moher, a Food Trail in Cork, a Day trip to Derry and a visit to the Game of Thrones filming locations. We also celebrated Thanksgiving, giving the students vouchers to buy turkeys and supplies to cook their own feast.

In December we met up with all the students in the various program locations for their farewell meals, including an evening at the Commons in Trinity College. Anthony in UCC won the Instagram Photo Contest, and the Dublin group enjoyed a festive movie night in the Center, along with lots of Irish Christmas desserts! 

What a great semester! Don't forget to check out the pictures above!