Second Lockdown Easter in Ireland

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


April 1, 2021

It’s coming to the end of Lent so that means one thing- Easter Eggs! This Easter, as we approach a second one of being fully restricted in a lockdown Ireland, it seems there was never a greater need for something to take our minds off what is happening right now. Chocolate has always been my go to pick me up treat and I think I'm not alone in this. When I was a child, there were usually about 5 types of eggs - some made by Cadburys (the Irish brand) and others by Nestle (a UK brand). Now, there are so many varieties of milk chocolate, dark chocolate, 60%, 85% cocoa, chocolate with nuts, vegan chocolate,  appearing in brightly coloured boxes promising something special- moments of delight as we break into that round egg! This morning I visited my local supermarket and there wasn't one egg to be got! My hunt will continue don't you worry. Somewhere in this city of Dublin I will find a large Irish milk chocolate egg with my name on it! 

What are the traditions here in Ireland? Well firstly, the eggs. The other is the church. Easter is obviously a religious holiday. Some Irish families still go to mass every Sunday, which of course hasn't been possible during the last year (Pandemic) but usually more try and get there at some point over Easter. This year and in fact for the past few months, the Catholic Church has been streaming masses live. Funerals have also been streamed and all of a sudden, many people who had never held a phone in their lives, are now seeing it as their lifeline. They can still feel connected and keep up to date with what is happening by not having to leave their kitchen or living room.

Parish is a big part of life in Ireland and despite the number of practicing Catholics decreasing in this country, it remains strong. I think it is is one of the biggest losses for the elderly during this Pandemic, not being able to get to their weekly Saturday night or Sunday morning service and meet friends and family. I imagine this week will be difficult too. Over the years it was an annual week of events with this evening (Holy Thursday) being The Washing of the Feet and Good Friday Stations of the Cross. During the Easter vigil masses,  watching the Paschal fire burn away through the night was also a sign that something had ended and something new was beginning. This year, we might hope for a brighter year as we continue to stay home and hope for the vaccine roll out to continue. 

Despite the Pandemic, this long Easter weekend will be jam packed,  check out this list on Top 10 FUN VIRTUAL EVENTS happening in April 2021 (, you’re bound to find something that will suit. Virtual storytelling, paint, beer and music festivals are all over the country and they’re always really well run and great fun. It might be lunchtime back home with you but sure  you could sample a piece of Irish culture for the "craic" (fun in Irish!!)

Cáisc Shona daoibh- Happy Easter to you! (in Irish)






