Rain? No problem! Our trip to the Aran Islands

Julie Daly Irish Programs Officer


October 4, 2023

This past Saturday, 29 Arcadia students currently studying in Ireland made their way to Galway for the first of our co-curricular events this semester - a day trip to Inishmore, the largest of the Aran Islands.

From bronze age fortifications to the ruins of medieval churches and the rugged grandeur of the bare limestone landscape, there is much to see, and Inishmore is a great place to experience characteristic elements of life in the West of Ireland such as the Irish language. On this occasion, the students also got to experience some characteristic Irish weather, as rain and wind swept over the island in waves over the course of the day.

You might think this sounds like an unpleasant day out, but you would be wrong! Demonstrating how well the students have already adapted to their new environment, most rented bicycles on arrival on the island and set out to explore the whole length of the island. Others, trusting to their rain gear, set out on foot. Feedback after the trip was overwhelmingly positive, with students enthusiastic about the scenery, opportunity to spend time in nature, and the chance to hang out with their new Arcadia friends. One thing studying in Ireland can teach you is that there is a lot of fun to be had no matter the weather!

Standing on the cliffs (at a safe distance!) it was awe-inspiring to think that we were now at the edge of the Atlantic, with nothing but open sea between ourselves and Newfoundland. Many thanks to the students who came along and made it a great weekend - and if you are a potential future student reading this, we look forward to introducing you to the Irish landscape in all its glory someday. Just don't forget your raincoat!
