Packing for Ireland

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


December 28, 2016

This week students across North America are getting ready to go back to college after the holidays and some very lucky students getting ready to come to Ireland for Spring semester! Below are Arcadia Ireland’s top tips for packing for a semester in Ireland.

Pack essentials in your hand luggage

Unfortunately every semester there are always a few students whose luggage gets delayed or temporally lost. It’s not fun spending your first day in Ireland shopping for a toothbrush and socks – don’t be that person! Be prepared; pack a few changes of clothes and toiletries in your carry-on case.

Boots & Jackets!

If you’re coming to Ireland you should know by now we are not famous for our sunny weather, it does rain a bit here especially on the west coast (but that’s what makes it so lovely and green!). This is easy to deal with, just make sure you bring some good waterproof footwear. I love that Hunter and Timberland boots are fashionable at the moment – this is exactly what you need to survive Ireland. A good waterproof jacket is also key; this is a walking country and you don’t want to get stuck out in the rain without a jacket.

Dressy clothes

When it comes to heading to the pub, Irish people tend to get a bit dressed up, particularly at night. Irish students usually head to a club after the bars close and this is quite a dressed up affair, even mid-week. University clubs, societies and various departments will also host Balls in the Spring semester; formal evenings usually in a hotel, where men wear suits and women usually wear full length dresses – very posh!

Don’t bring everything you own

There are stores in Ireland too, so you really don’t need to pack your entire wardrobe. If you need anything while you are here you will be able to pick it up. We don’t have Target or Wall Mart, but we do have some nice priced options including ‘Pennys’, ‘Dunnes Stores’ and ‘TK Max’, all great for clothes, shoes, towels, bed sheets and other accessories.


Student Life