Ireland features high in Lonely Planet’s list of “Secret Europe, 50 Truly Unforgettable Experiences to

Sarah Maher Administrative Assistant


June 10, 2014

Lonely Planet has compiled a list of 50 locations in Europe which will provide visitors with a truly unforgettable experience and have included it in their recently published e-book. The list focuses on “undiscovered and overlooked destinations and experiences” in Europe. We were delighted to see that Ireland features twice on the list, and has impressively secured a position in the top 10.

Dublin pub, John Kavanagh’s, better known as Gravediggers, features at number 46 on the list. This pub is a traditional Irish family run pub, run by a sixth generation Kavanagh. Its name “Gravediggers” derives from its location being close to Glasnevin cemetery. It is one of Ireland’s oldest pubs which prides’ itself on its traditional and unique ways.

Of his pub, Mr Kavangh says ““It’s an original pub, and I’m the sixth generation Kavanagh to run the joint. I still live over the premises and reared a family here. We’re a traditional pub and we carry on as we’ve always done, but to be successful you also have to be different - which we also are.”

Co. Kerry’s Cromane Peninsula has been awarded an impressive position in the top 10, coming in at number 5 on the list of 50 locations. It has acquired this ranking because of its “spectacular water vistas and multi-hued sunsets”. The peninsula boasts an idyllic fishing village with pristine views of the nearby McGillycuddy Reeks.

We would highly recommend taking a trip to these destinations to truly experience some of Ireland’s hidden treasures.

Ireland claims two spots on Lonely Planet secret travel top 50