Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


March 16, 2016

The day the world goes green and we get to celebrate all the fabulousness of the Irish!

St. Patrick's Day is a big deal, not just here but all over the world; with one in six Irish born people now living abroad, not the mention the 70 million people worldwide who can claim Irish heritage, Paddy’s Day is a chance for everyone to celebrate Irish culture and have the cráic! (Fun!).

Here in Ireland the major event is the St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin, but throughout the country communities will be celebrating in their own ways. Green food dye makes its way into everything from cupcakes to Guinness, Dropkick Murphys is played on repeat and we all suddenly think we can Irish dance.

On a global scale the party seems to get much bigger, with massive parades in expat cities like New York, Boston and Sydney. From Rio to Paris, the worlds’ most famous monuments get lit up green, as a reminder of how much the Irish have spread throughout the world. 

At the end of it all, Paddy’s Day is not just a celebration of being Irish, its about celebrating the best of what’s Irish; the fun, the music, the humour, the strive to make the most of life and yes, to have the cráic!

So whether you are celebrating abroad or here in Ireland; have a very happy St. Patrick's Day from all the staff at Arcadia Ireland.